Now we offer telehealth and in person visits
We currently only provide services for clients ages 10 and older.
Evenings and weekend appointments are available for your convenience.
Most appointments can be accommodated within 48 hours upon confirmation of insurance coverage and receipt of all necessary intake paperwork.
We ONLY offer Telehealth (virtual) appointments on a HIPAA secure platform for all our clients.
Currently we are unable to treat active substance use disorders.
We do not provide psychiatric evaluations for legal purposes
We do not treat under workers compensation.
Please include all information required when using the automated form when contacting us; this will expedite accommodating your appointment request. If you prefer to not use the 'contact us' form, you may email or phone us directly to request an appointment or with any other questions.
We are an outpatient mental health practice and do not provide emergency services. If you are having a psychiatric or medical emergency, please call 911 or present to the nearest emergency department.
If you're experiencing emotional distress, the resources below provide free and confidential support.
Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255
Crisis Text Line Text HOME to 741741
NYS Domestic & Sexual Violence Hotline 1-800-942-6906